City of Elgin

City of Elgin
Government Offices
Elgin is a unique community that proudly distinguishes itself from the rest of the metropolitan area. Its approachable, progressive identity is anchored in its resilient history and strong, diverse community that continues to embody a desire for an even brighter future.
The city is known for its historic architecture and landmarks from the Victorian era, including some fine examples of homes in the Queen Anne style. Many of the most remarkable homes once belonged to National Watch Company executives. The growing City enjoys ready access to public transportation. Diverse housing stock, and a mix of commercial establishments. Residents and visitors enjoy a thriving cultural arts community, world-class parks, historical museums, and over 100 places of worship.
Public Safety
One of the City of Elgin’s goals is to be a safe and healthy community.
The City’s public safety departments continue to work with residents to proactively address public safety issues while exploring other opportunities to address public safety needs. Each public safety department provides quality customer service and responsiveness to residents.
Elgin Police Department
The Elgin Police Department is dedicated to working in partnership with the community to promote safety and enhance the quality of life by serving with professionalism, encouraging open communication, and embracing diversity.
Office of Emergency Management
The mission of the Office of Emergency Management is to facilitate the preparation, safeguarding, and protection of citizens and property within the City of Elgin from the consequences of disasters and emergencies. The office is tasked with ensuring that the city is in a position to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from natural or man-made disasters, as well as terrorism-related incidents.
Council-Manager Government
Residents elect eight at-large council members and a mayor, who serve on a part-time basis. The city manager, a full-time professional, serves at the direction of the mayor and city council.
Doing Business
Elgin embodies the phrase “city of choice” as it provides a place for people to live, work, create opportunities, grow businesses, and enjoy visiting year-round. We are always working to improve our services and help businesses in Elgin build, grow, and thrive. We have various resources and partnerships in the community to help provide support for business owners to get work done.