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U-46 Seniors Named Illinois State Scholars

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U-46 Seniors Named Illinois State Scholars

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U-46 Seniors Named Illinois State Scholars 

Students honored for their academic achievement

ELGIN - In recognition of their academic performance, more than 180 seniors at School District U-46’s five comprehensive high schools received the Illinois State Scholar designation. The award reflects approximately the top 10 percent of academic achievers among the Class of 2025 in Illinois.

The 181 students at Elgin, Bartlett, Larkin, South Elgin, and Streamwood High Schools recently received notification of the honor from the Illinois Student Assistance Commission, the state agency that works to make education beyond high school accessible and affordable.

“We congratulate these exceptional students for this accomplishment. Their hard work and perseverance should not only be a source of pride for themselves, but it also inspires their peers and serves as an example of what can be achieved through dedication and determination,” said Dr. Annette Acevedo, Assistant Superintendent of Schools. “We also recognize the vital role that parents, guardians, teachers, counselors, principals, and more have played in supporting and encouraging our Illinois State Scholars.”

The U-46 honorees were among approximately 16,500 students from across the state who earned the designation, which was first introduced in 1958. The scholars are selected based on a formula that includes a combination of ACT/SAT test scores, class rank (if the school ranks) or the unweighted GPA (if the school does not rank), and class size.

The designation is a non-monetary award. State Scholars receive a congratulatory letter, a certificate of achievement, and a digital “badge” that can be displayed on social media platforms or shared through online profiles.

U-46’s 2025 State Scholars are listed below by high school:

Bartlett High School

Jatziry Alba    Kaitlyn Jenison    Krisha Patel

Diana Berg    Sydney Johnson    Parth Patel

Brian Bishop    Yaseen Khan    Nathaniel Preissig

Ryan Chien    Landon Kim    Lance Sevilla

Kyle Chow    Gaston Klaric    Mahek Shah

Jacob Cioch    Srikrishna Kolachina    Sufyan Siddiqui

Jack Conner    Joery Lagasca    Rohini Sliwa

Kyle Depakakibo    Domenico Lamberti    Gianna Spizzirri

Cecilia Desarden    Natalya Lee    Srinidhi Srinivasan

Raymond Ear    Frederick Lorek    Sara Sulemanjee

Whalan Eid    Mason Magnanao    Dylan Szatko

Benjamin Emro    Millan Mallipeddi    Aayush Thakkar

Emma Engels    Nina Mangriotis    Elizabeth Thomas

Aayan Faisal    Audrey Martin    Grace Thorp

Melani Flores    Elle McBrearty    Karl Tomlin

Karla Flores Romo    Abhika Mishra    Emilia Tredota

Natalie Galvez    Matthew Nendick    Klaudia Tredota

Dev Gandhi    Elsie Nwabuego    Elif Uzunel

James Gillmore    Venisha Parikh    Valerie Villegas

Victor Gonzalez Argueta    Aanya Patel    Jingyuan Wen

Alizah Husain    Darsh Patel    Zara Yasoob

Allison Ibarrientos    Jainil Patel    Sara Zaidi

Rebecca Jacob    Krish Patel    

Elgin High School

Jason Allen    Hasan Hammad    Pratyush Ramesh

Liza Aygul    Samantha Havener    Mahitha Ratakonda

Abigail Cabugason    Christian Jaimes    Aaditya Sanghavi

Emily Cabugason    Emily James    Rishi Shah

Brandon Cardozo    Jacob Lesch    Nadia Silva

Evangeline Comings    Thomas Madsen    Sebastian Siwiec

Hannah Day    Joshua Nato    Isabelle Smith

John Drew    Eric Nazario    Kelly Louise Taruc

Caleb Eggers    Jorge Pano    Braedyn Tetrev

Collin Froman    Aarav Patel    Cole Tupper

Benjamin Galfi    Jai Patel    Leeya Valsadia 

Brody Grosenbach    Isabella Penaloza    

Larkin High School

Dayanara Aguilar    Brianna Gabriel Revolorio    Lydia Soto

Lucy Akemann    Jenna Mack    Caitlin Sweeney

Lara Amaro    Kaitlyn Neubert    Trevor Willis

Kayla Austin    Harold Nunez    Samantha Winer

Erany Fahmy    Nickolas Pietri    

South Elgin High School

Annabeth Baughcum    Ryan Goetz    Sean Mydlach

Carter Beucler    Emmett Hanson    Diego Ortiz Villagomez

Gianna Brown    Logan Iott    Nishar Parekh

Carlos Bucio    Ellie Jahnke    Ayush Patel

Anthony Cavallo    Maya Jordan    Dia Patel

Anna Christopherson    Nathan Jung    Jessa Pentecost

Ryan Corn    Cole Jurcy    Jason Phillips

Samuel Dankel    Mackenzie Klinger    Elise Pratt

Justin Defensor    Gabriela Krusiec    Drew Raval

Donald Doan    Reilly Malesh    Kamila Sangabriel

Eric Drozdziak    Mikella Mesina    Amy Skrabacz

Ava Franch    Ethan Messer    Charles Stace

Gavin Fredricks    Callahan Miller    Logan Stoltz

Julia Fugiel    Laila Miulli    Alexander Tolentino

Ryan Giczkowski    Ruby Montgomery    Julianna Ugarte

Amber Gnutek    Rahul Mufti    Kalia Verdino

Streamwood High School

Salman Amir    Guido Narbona    Sophie Saflarski

Michaella Andres    Leonor Nevarez    Maria Santeliz Goncalves

Javier Aranda    Jesten Ngwakwe    Danielle Althea Sotto

Claire Dresser    Emily Nowel    Luis Vega

Ty Keomanivong    Dev Patel    

Sophia Lortie    Leonardo Perez    

School District U-46 serves families in 11 communities: Bartlett, Elgin, Hanover Park, South Elgin, Streamwood, and

Wayne, as well as portions of Carol Stream, Hoffman Estates, St. Charles, Schaumburg, and West Chicago. In total, 

The district encompasses 90 square miles within the Fox River Valley, approximately 45 minutes west of downtown 

Chicago, and includes communities within Cook, DuPage and Kane counties. More than 34,000 preschoolers through

12th graders attend the 55 District schools and 

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