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This Week in Springfield with the Illinois Chamber

This Week in Springfield with the Illinois Chamber

Local Communities Elgin Area Chamber Business Politics



August 16, 2024

This Week in Illinois

Illinois Chamber Releases 103rd GA Legislative Ratings + Awards

At the conclusion of each General Assembly, the Illinois Chamber assesses the performance of every legislator based on their votes on key business-related bills. Our ratings track votes important to the state's business community and grade legislators based on their support for pro-business issues during the two-year legislative session.

Earlier this week, the Illinois Chamber released its full ratings and awards for the 103rd General Assembly. This includes the Bridge Builder Award, Champion of Free Enterprise Award, and Outstanding Freshman of the Year recognition.

The Champion of Free Enterprise Awards are given biennially to Senators and Representatives with Illinois Chamber ratings averaging 85 percent or higher over the previous two General Assemblies who have demonstrated their commitment to legislation that frees the entrepreneurial spirit. The Illinois Chamber of Commerce also expresses its gratitude to the newly elected legislators in both houses who have demonstrated exceptional voting records, sponsored important legislation and have shown a collaborative spirit during their first two years in office. This is done through the Outstanding Freshman Award.

Upon release of the awards, Illinois Chamber President & CEO Lou Sandoval said the following: “As we seek to create a vibrant business climate for all businesses in Illinois, it is important to take time to recognize the members of the legislative body who have contributed to creating this vibrant climate. These awards are symbolic of that effort, and it is only fitting that we acknowledge their contributions and partnership with the chamber to make Illinois better for business. While we have some work to do in creating balance that supports employers, we seek to continue to work with all our legislators who foster a pro-growth, pro-business, and pro-Illinois approach to supporting business.”

View the list of awards recipients and legislative ratings for all members of the House and Senate please click here.

Canal Barge/Illinois Marine Towing Facility & Operations Tour Takes Place in Lemont

Earlier this week, members and staff of the Illinois Chamber of Commerce were in Lemont for a tour of the Illinois Marine Towing Shipyard. Hosted by Canal Barge and Illinois Marine Towing, the facility tour provided insight into shoreside operations as well as the maritime industry more broadly.

Thank you to Chamber Board Member Del Wilkins for his kind invitation and hospitality while hosting the group. It was great to see many members of the Infrastructure Council in attendance.

The presentation to our group covered a number of topics including barge industry history in our state, the minimal environmental impact of the industry, trends in the type of freight being moved, and barge capacity on the waterways.

Illinois State Fair Week

The Illinois State Fair is well underway and nearing its conclusion. The 2024 Illinois State Fair in Springfield runs from August 8th to 18th. This week featured some notable themes including Governor's Day on the 14th, Republican Day on the 15th, and first responders and healthcare heroes day on the 16th. Last year, attendance records were set as the 2023 State Fair welcomed over 700,000 guests to the grounds in Springfield.

If you haven't had a chance yet to attend, be sure to stop by this weekend for all kinds of Illinois-centric attractions!

Local Chambers Leaders: Member Education on Interchange Fee Prohibition 

A new law passed by the Illinois General Assembly will make Illinois the first in the world to prohibit interchange fees on tax and gratuity on July 1, 2025. This will significantly impact all business owners and consumers across the state, and forever change the transaction experience at the cash register. It is important that your members are informed about these changes to their business operations. The Illinois Chamber of Commerce is working with various partners to provide informational resources to local chambers on this issue.

If you are interested in hosting an informational event for your members, please contact Jordan Ryan.

Illinois CPO-GS Hosting Reverse Vendor Fair for Small Businesses

On September 18, 2024, from 9am - 12pm, The CPO-GS Small Business Set-Aside Program will a Reverse Vendor Fair at the Illinois Department of Transportation in Springfield, IL.

We join the CPO-GS in inviting you to interact with Illinois State Agencies and find out more about doing business in Illinois.

Register and learn more here.

Bills of Interest Recently Signed Into Law

HB 2161, Family Responsibility-Neutral was signed into law. This bill amends the Illinois Human Rights Act. Includes "family responsibilities" in the definition of harassment. Defines family responsibilities to mean an employee's actual or perceived provision of personal care to a family member. Defines "personal care" and "family member". Includes "family responsibilities" in the provisions creating a civil rights violation if violated by an employer, employment agency, or labor organization. Provides that nothing contained in the Act may be construed to obligate an employer, employment agency, or labor organization to make accommodations or modifications to reasonable workplace rules or policies for an employee based on family responsibilities, including accommodations or modifications related to leave, scheduling, productivity, attendance, absenteeism, timeliness, work performance, referrals from a labor union hiring hall, and benefits, as long as its rules or policies are applied in accordance with this Act. Provides that nothing contained in the Act prevents an employer from taking adverse action or otherwise enforcing reasonable workplace rules or policies related to leave, scheduling, productivity, attendance, absenteeism, timeliness, work performance, referrals from a labor union hiring hall, and benefits against an employee with family responsibilities as long as its policies are applied in accordance with the Act.

HB 3773, Predictive Analytics was signed into law. This bill provides that it is a civil rights violation: (1) with respect to recruitment, hiring, promotion, renewal of employment, selection for training or apprenticeship, discharge, discipline, tenure, or the terms, privileges, or conditions of employment, for an employer to use artificial intelligence that has the effect of subjecting employees to discrimination on the basis of protected classes identified under the Article or to use zip codes as a proxy for protected classes identified under the Article; and (2) for an employer to fail to provide notice to an employee that the employer is using artificial intelligence.

HB 4592, Mobile ID Cards was signed into law. This bill allows the Secretary of State to issue a mobile Illinois Identification Card or mobile driver's license to an individual who is otherwise eligible to hold a physical credential, in addition to an identification card or driver's license, if the Secretary of State has issued an identification card or driver's license to the person. Allows the Secretary to enter into agreements or to contract with an agency of the State, another state, the United States, or a third party to facilitate the issuance, use, and verification of a mobile identification card or driver's license issued by the Secretary or another state.

HB 5189, Rail Fatalities Reporting-Support was signed into law. This bill provides that personally identifying information of train crew members contained in reports involving railroad fatalities and contained in communications between police officers and train crew members involved in those occurrences shall be redacted from any public reports and shall be maintained by the police departments and any persons in subsequent possession thereof listed below in a manner that ensures the confidentiality of the train crew's personally identifying information. Provides that unredacted copies of such reports and communications containing personally identifying information shall be accessible at all reasonable times to the host or employing railroad, by court order, and to law enforcement officers, State's Attorneys, Assistant State's Attorneys, and Illinois Commerce Commission Staff.

HB 5496, South Suburban Airport was signed into law. This bill provides that in addition to the prequalification process under the Act, the Department of Transportation shall accept any unsolicited bids for the South Suburban Airport received pursuant to the Public-Private Partnerships for Transportation Act. Provides that nothing within the provisions shall be construed to restrict the obligations of the Department to respond to any unsolicited bids under the Public-Private Partnerships for Transportation Act. Amends the Public-Private Partnerships for Transportation Act. Provides that "transportation facility" includes the South Suburban Airport.

HB 5511, Procurement Omnibus was signed into law. For more information on the omnibus package, please view our End of Session Report here.

SB 692, Industrial Zoning Task Force-Support was signed into law. This bill creates the Task Force on Interjurisdictional Industrial Zoning Impacts to study State and local zoning laws and policies related to large industrial developments.

SB 2442, Patient Billing was signed into law. This bill provides that a hospital may not bill an uninsured patient that requires health care services if it determines, through its financial assistance screening process, that the patient has a household income that qualifies the person for free care under the Hospital Uninsured Patient Discount Act. Provides that if the patient is deemed eligible for public health insurance or any other insurance product certified by the Department of Insurance, the hospital shall provide information to the patient about how the patient can apply for the insurance program.

SB 2641, Network Adequacy-Neutral passed the Senate on concurrence 59-0-0. This bill amends the Network Adequacy and Transparency Act. Provides that an insurer providing a network plan must file with the Director of Insurance a description of the process for monitoring health plan beneficiaries' timely in-network access to physician specialist services. Provides that an insurer providing a network plan shall file an insurer's monitoring report for each network hospital and facility, which shall include, but is not limited to, the number and percentage of physician providers under contract in each of the specialties of emergency medicine, anesthesiology, radiology, and pathology practicing in the in-network hospital or facility when such providers are not employees of the hospital or facility. Requires every insurer to demonstrate to the Director that each in-network hospital and facility has a sufficient number of hospital-based medical specialists to ensure that covered persons have reasonable and timely access to such in-network physicians and the services they direct or supervise.

SB 2743, Water Plan Task Force was signed into law. This bill establishes the State Water Plan Task Force. Provides that the Task Force shall be chaired by the Director of the Office of Water Resources of the Department of Natural Resources and composed of the directors, or their designee, from various other State entities. Requires the Task Force to identify critical water issues, to develop and implement recommendations that address the critical water issues, and to reevaluate critical water issues and needs. Requires the Task Force to publish a State Water Plan not less than every 10 years.

SB 2770, Covenant Not to Compete-Neutral was signed into law. This bill provides that a covenant not to compete or a covenant not to solicit is void and illegal with respect to individuals employed in construction, regardless of whether an individual is covered by a collective bargaining agreement.

SB 2876, Large Event Space Recycling was signed into law. This bill creates the Large Event Facilities Act. In provisions regarding requirements for an owner or operator of an event facility that has a maximum capacity of at least 3,500 persons, requires the owner or operator to provide for the composting of organic waste, collected separately from recyclable materials, in counties with composting facilities. In the same provisions, provides that the recyclable materials may be transferred to a recycling center in the same manner in which they were collected within the event facility. Provides that an owner or operator of an event facility is in compliance with these provisions if the owner or operator offers the disposal of recyclable materials and organic waste in separate containers clearly labeled and distributed throughout the event facility. Provides that an owner or operator of an event facility that commits a violation of this Act is guilty of a business offense and shall be fined not less than $750 and not more than $1,500 for the first offense. Provides that an owner or operator of an event facility that commits a second or subsequent violation of this Act is guilty of a business offense and shall be fined not less than $1,500 and not more than $2,500 for each subsequent offense. Provides that a State's Attorney or municipal attorney may prosecute an owner or operator of an event facility who violates this Act.

SB 2907, Job Training Transparency-Support was signed into law. This bill creates the Job Training and Workforce Development Transparency Act. Provides that, within 18 months after the effective date of the Act, the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, in coordination with relevant State agencies, shall compile a report concerning all State and federally-funded job training and workforce development programs in this State. Contains provisions concerning reports. Provides that relevant State agencies shall collaborate with the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity to ensure the timely and accurate collection of information required for the report.

SB 3208 Wage Payment Stubs-Neutral passed the Senate on concurrence 39-18-0. This bill provides that an employer shall provide an employee with a copy of the employee's pay stubs upon the employee's request. Provides that the employer shall furnish the copy of the pay stubs to the employee within 21 days following the employee's request. Provides that an employer is not required to grant an employee's request for a copy of pay stubs more than twice in a 12-month period. Provides that an employer shall provide a former employee with a copy of the former employee's pay stubs upon the former employee's request. Provides that the employer shall furnish the copy of the pay stubs to the former employee within 21 days following the employee's request. Provides that an employer is not required to grant a former employee's request for a copy of pay stubs more than twice in a 12-month period or more than one year after the date of separation. Provides that an employer who furnishes electronic pay stubs in a manner that a former employee cannot access for at least a full year after separation shall, upon an employee's separation from employment, offer to provide the outgoing employee with a record of all of the outgoing employee's pay stubs from the year preceding the date of separation. Provides that a request made by an employee or former employee for a copy of a pay stub shall be made to a person responsible for maintaining the employer's payroll, including the employer's human resources department or payroll department, the employee's supervisor or department manager, or an individual designated in the employer's written policy.

SB 3455, Property Tax Study-Support was signed into law. This bill provides that the Department of Revenue, in consultation with the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, shall conduct a study to evaluate the property tax system in the State. Provides that the Department may also determine whether the existing property tax levy, assessment, appeal, and collection process is reasonable and fair and may issue recommendations to improve that process.

SB 3650 Day & Temp Labor passed the Senate on concurrence 43-16-0. This bill amends the Day and Temporary Labor Services Act. Provides that, if an applicant seeks a work assignment as a day or temporary laborer with a day and temporary labor service agency, including in-person, online or through an app-based system, and is not placed with a third party client or otherwise contracted to work for that day by the day and temporary labor service agency, the day and temporary labor service agency shall provide the applicant with a confirmation that the applicant sought work that satisfies specified criteria. Sets forth compensation requirements for day or temporary laborers based on directly hired comparative employees of a third party. Provides that it shall be the responsibility and duty of a day and temporary labor service agency to calculate and determine the hourly rate of pay and the benefits it shall offer to a day or temporary laborer, including any cash equivalents. Makes changes in provisions concerning the right to refuse assignments due to a labor dispute and the duties of third party clients. Provides that a day and temporary labor service agency shall pay a day or temporary laborer who is assigned to work and performs work at the same third party client for more than 720 hours within a 12-month period, beginning on or after April 1, 2024, in accordance with a method chosen at the sole discretion of the third party client: (1) third party client employee compensation or (2) data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Sets forth additional requirements concerning compensation.

Local Chambers: 2024 Legislative Presentation Opportunity

The Illinois Chamber is pleased to offer in-person and virtual legislative recap presentations to local chambers across the state. This opportunity, offered exclusively as a benefit to local chambers within our membership, provides insight into the major legislative action that occurred this spring at the statehouse and what it means for Illinois businesses.

If you are putting together programming for the rest of this summer and fall we are happy to offer our services on this topic to keep your members informed on the most critical advocacy items.

For any questions, please contact Andrew Cunningham at or Jordan Ryan at

Save the Date: Illinois Chamber of Commerce Annual Luncheon

On Thursday, September 19, 2024, from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., business leaders from around Illinois will gather at the Marriott Marquis in Chicago for the Illinois Chamber's 2024 Annual Luncheon.

The Annual Luncheon provides an opportunity to gather with business leaders to strive toward a better and brighter future for everyone in Illinois. The event has repeatedly served as a platform for highlighting and addressing business-related concerns at the forefront of the public agenda. This year's event will center around the theme "Innovation to Drive Growth: The Formula for Business Resilience."

We are proud to announce that David M. Foulkes, Chief Executive Officer and Director of Brunswick Corporation, will be this year's keynote speaker. Lourdes Duarte, Co-anchor and Lead Investigative Reporter from WGN, will be serving as the emcee for the event.

Register: Here

Spring Session Update

The Senate adjourned on Sunday, May 26th until the call of the Senate President. With the adjournment of the House on the morning of May 29th, both chambers have concluded business for the 2024 spring legislative session.

Neither chamber will return to Springfield until the fall veto session which will take place November 12th-14th and 19th-21st. View the calendar here.

Connect with the Chamber

If you have questions about the Government Affairs Report, contact Andrew Cunningham at Do not reply to this email. 

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