Illinois Department of Commerce Weekly Update

Illinois Department of Commerce Weekly Update
January 17, 2025
Northeast Region Weekly Update January 17, 2025
OE3 Small Business Capital and Infrastructure Grant Program
The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) Office of Economic Equity & Empowerment (OE3) is pleased to announce the OE3 Small Business Capital and Infrastructure Grant Program. This program will provide funding to small businesses owned by Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Individuals (SEDI) or Very Small Businesses (VSBs) for capital improvement and infrastructure projects.
Grants ranging from $10,000 to $245,000 will support initiatives that drive business growth, enhance operational efficiency, promote sustainability, and create or retain jobs. This funding opportunity is exclusively focused on capital improvements and infrastructure projects to support SEDI-owned businesses and VSBs. Priority will be given to applicants located in Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Investment Areas where businesses play a critical role in addressing local economic needs. Additional information and application materials may be found on our website including examples of eligible capital and infrastructure project found here Applications must be submitted by Monday, April 7, 2025, at 5 pm.
As a reminder, with this NOFO and applying for State grants, an entity must be pre-qualified. Click here to read the GATA guide in English and Spanish.
Illinois Grocery Initiative Equipment Upgrade Round 2
The Illinois Grocery Initiative Equipment Upgrades Program will provide grants for new energy-efficient equipment upgrades for existing independently owned for-profit grocery stores, cooperative grocery stores, or not-for-profit grocery stores. While the Illinois Grocery Initiative is intended to reduce or eliminate the existence of "food deserts1" in Illinois and will prioritize stores located in food deserts, the Equipment Upgrades Program is not limited to establishments located in food deserts. These grants are intended, however, to facilitate energy- efficient equipment investment and sustainability for stores located in food deserts, areas that could become food deserts, and other areas that are underserved to a lesser degree. These grants will reimburse costs for the purchase and installation of new energy-efficient equipment. Other costs, including investment in solar generation equipment and remodeling, are ineligible for this program.
DCEO has contracted with Chicago State University (CSU) and Western Illinois University (WIU) to provide technical assistance services for Illinois Grocery Initiative applicants and grantees. Applicants desiring assistance in preparing applications may contact these institutions directly.
Chicago State University Derrick K. Collins Dean, College of Business O (773) 995-3976 M (312) 953-1295
Western Illinois University Sean Park Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs 217-248-0079
The following expenditures will be eligible for reimbursement under this program, insofar the equipment will result in energy efficiency improvements:
- Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment
- Refrigeration units and freezers
- Lighting systems
Eligibility for this program will be constrained by characteristics of prospective store ownership and the intended offerings of the store.
- Grants will be limited to projects making energy-efficient investments in existing bricksand-mortar operations in Illinois.
- This grant opportunity will be limited to independently-owned grocers or cooperatives with fewer than 500 employees and no more than 4 grocery stores.
- Grocery locations must be consistent with the following to be eligible:
- The store is or will be classified as a supermarket or other grocery retailer in the 2022 North American Industry Classification System under code 445110, a meat retailer under code 44524, a fruit and vegetable retailer under code 44523, or a fish and seafood retailer under 44525.
- The store cannot derive more than 30% of its revenue from alcohol and tobacco sales.
- The store must accept or will accept Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits and Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children benefits.
- The store must contribute to diversity of fresh foods available in the community by selling fresh foods such as meats, fruits and vegetables that have not been processed in any manner.
Cost sharing or Matching is required for this opportunity. Applicants are required to provide 25% of the total project costs, representing a 1:3 match. These matching funds can come from any nonstate sources such as local municipal funds, federal funds, or private investment. Such sources of funds shall be identified and documented in the application.
To review the NOFO and application information click here Application deadline is December 15, 2025.
Office of Broadband
The Illinois Office of Broadband (IOB) and Illinois Broadband Lab (IBL) invite local governments, internet service providers, communities, and more to participate in the many opportunities available throughout January in preparation for 2025’s program launches.
There’s something for everyone:
- For Local Governments: Learn about Broadband Breakthrough, a no-cost opportunity to build your
community’s broadband connectivity strategy with the support and coaching of experts.
- For Internet Service Providers: Register for the Weekly Webinar Series which dives into different components of the Connect Illinois Round 4 Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program.
- For Communities: Review the new Local Coordination Guidance Document to learn about how you can influence broadband solutions in your community.
Final BEAD-Eligible Locations & NOFO Preview
Click here to access the list of locations and community anchor institutions eligible to be connected through the BEAD-funded Connect Illinois Round 4.
What happens next? The Illinois Office of Broadband (IOB) has updated its Project Area Units (PAUs) to reflect the eligible locations, found here. PAUs will serve as the building blocks of a BEAD application, each containing clusters of eligible locations. The BEAD-funded Connect Illinois Round 4 is scheduled to to launch January 23, 2025.
Want to learn more? Tune into the weekly webinar series preparing applicants for the BEAD application, as well as the Notice of Funding Opportunity and other guidance materials.
Connect Illinois Round 4 (BEAD) Grant Series | REGISTER
January 22 | 12PM CT | BEAD Application Templates (Part 2)
Don’t forget to complete the IOB’s intake form to receive key program updates.
BEAD-Funded Connect Illinois NOFO Preview
The BEAD-funded Connect Illinois Round 4 draft Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) has been posted for initial review. The NOFO details Illinois-specific program requirements, steps to qualify, an overview of the subgrantee selection process, and post-selection subgrantee obligations. It summarizes program details specific to the State of Illinois. Review the slides or recording from last week’s webinar for an overview.
Guidance Document on BEAD Local Coordination
Illinois has launched a new Guidance Document to assist prospective BEAD applicants and community institutions with compiling evidence of local coordination for Connect Illinois Round 4 applications.
The Illinois Local Coordination Guidance Document has three sections:
- Local Coordination Overview
- Helpful Information Gathering: Considerations & Questions
- Letter of Support Best Practices
Community Broadband Planning Opportunity
Is your community ready to shape its broadband future? Learn more about the Broadband Breakthrough program!
Led by the Benton Institute for Broadband & Society and the University of Illinois Broadband Lab, Broadband Breakthrough equips local leaders with the tools, data, and knowledge needed to secure funding and build strong broadband partnerships. For further information, including application details, please see this one sheet.
Important dates and deadlines:
- January 31st: Application deadline for the Broadband Breakthrough program. Up to 8 counties will be accepted into the program.
- Week of February 10th: Broadband Breakthrough program begins.
All rural counties in Illinois are eligible for this program. The program is at no cost to the county or locality thanks to support from the Illinois Broadband Lab.
To learn more or receive application assistance, please contact Reid Sharkey at
Monthly Digital Equity Update Calls
The Illinois Office of Broadband holds a Monthly Digital Equity Updates call from 1:00 - 2:00 pm on the first Friday of every month. All are welcome! You can view a recording of the December 2024 call here.
Register for upcoming Monthly Digital Equity Updates Calls using the links below:
- February 2025 Monthly Digital Equity Updates Call register here.
- March 2025 Monthly Digital Equity Updates Call register here.
In anticipation of the upcoming Illinois Digital Equity Capacity Grant (IDEC), the Illinois Broadband Team, in partnership with University of Illinois Extension, is hosting a series of webinars prior to the release of IDEC Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to support potential grantees early on. Here are the four sessions you can register now:
January 24 | 11 AM CT | Leveraging Data for Storytelling – IDEC Grant Application
This webinar will help audiences understand data, find relevant broadband and digital equity data, and incorporate them in grant proposal writing for the upcoming Illinois Digital Equity Capacity (IDEC) Grant. We will also show examples of how data is used to answer different questions in grant writing.
February 3 | 11 AM CT | Project Areas: Device Distribution/Digital Literacy/Tech Support
Learn from an organization that effectively implements learn-to-earn device distribution programs. You will also learn from one of the Illinois device distribution partners on how they manage providing devices for their partners.
February 10 | 11 AM CT | Project Areas: Computer Tech Centers and Broadband Planning
Hear from organizations who have implemented computer technology center projects and community broadband planning projects and learn more about how to effectively plan and implement these projects.
February 14 | 11 AM CT | Project Areas: Digital Navigators
In this webinar, you will learn about setting up a digital navigation program and hear from organizations that host digital navigators, as well as digital navigators themselves about the essential services they provide to help communities achieve digital equity.
Register here:
If you have any questions, please email
Illinois Office of Broadband Illinois Broadband Lab
Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) Program Digital Equity Act
Illinois Broadband Map
Low Income Energy Home Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) released information about this year's Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) to support income eligible households with utility costs. LIHEAP will begin accepting applications on October 1, 2024, through August 15, 2025, or until funds are exhausted. All income eligible households are now eligible to apply. They can apply by visiting or by visiting their local agency (a list of partners throughout the state can be found here). Families can also call 1-833-711-0374 for assistance in 30 languages.
LIHEAP provides one-time payments directly to energy service providers on behalf of recipients. While the amount of support varies based on the needs of individual families, last year over 333,000 households received LIHEAP, with an average of over $724 per household. All families who meet the qualifications and provide proper documentation will receive support until funding is exhausted. Families who earn up to two times the federal poverty level are eligible to receive support through LIHEAP. A chart with eligible income thresholds can be found on the webpage.
CEJA Updates
If you haven’t already, please sign up for our mailing list HERE, so you can receive updates in your email as they are announced. Finally, stay tuned to the DCEO CEJA Updates and Program Status page for additional announcements and program information. Contact us:
- Programs Currently Accepting Applications
- Programs Awarded
- Applications Under Review
Illinois Works Bid Credit Program
Contractors or subcontractors that employ apprentices that have completed the Illinois Works Pre-Apprenticeship Program on any project (stated or privately funded) are eligible to earn bid credits they can use to make their bids for future state-funded public works projects more competitive. The Illinois Works Bid Credit Program provides bid credits for both hiring and retaining graduates.
For general program questions, please contact the Illinois Works Bid Credit Program
at If you’re a state agency seeking information regarding the Bid Credit Program, email Rebecca Bailey, Senior Bid Credit Program Manager at For additional information, please download the Bid Credit Program One sheeter. To view application information and apply for the Bid Credit Program, please visit the DCEO website.
Interested in joining the Illinois Works Bid Credit Program?
If you are a contractor or subcontractor and are interested in registering for the Bid Credit Program, complete the Contractor Registration Form today!
Upcoming Information Webinars: Advantages of the Bid Credit Program for Contractors Date and Time: February 13, 2025 | 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM | Register
*Recordings of our past webinars can be found on the Illinois Works Bid Credit Program Partner Guide.
Office of Accountability
Curious about the grant lifecycle or wanting to learn more about the different facets of grants? Do you have a grant-related question that you would like answered in real time? DCEO is pleased to offer three training options for current and potential grantees. Interested in participating in a training session? Sign up here
Virtual Office Hour Q & A - Tuesdays at 2pm:
Join for a virtual question and answer session via Webex in which potential and current Grantees may attend to ask questions and seek assistance. Technical Support Managers will be online to field questions, demonstrate steps, or provide instructions as needed to assist entities and individuals with the grant process.
Pre-Qualification Training – 1st Wednesday of the month 9AM:
This slide presentation will cover Pre-Qualification requirements. Pre-qualification is required of all grantees with the State of Illinois and must be maintained throughout a grant program. To be in pre-qualified status means that all required registrations have been met and an entity is in good standing and able to conduct business with the
State of Illinois. Join DCEO’s Technical Support Team as we explain each step in the pre-qualification process and how to get started.
Various topics Training – 3rd Wednesday of the month 9AM:
This slide presentation will discuss important grant-related topics pertaining to grant management. Each month we will discuss a different component, process, or emerging practice that can benefit potential and existing grantees. Below are recordings to the sessions offered in 2024. Sessions for 2025 will be announced in the coming weeks.
- February 19, 2025 – Overview of DCEO Programs: This training will give an overview of the Grant Program Offices at DCEO as well as our mission and background of the Agency.
- March 19, 2025 – Risk Assessments: This training will cover the required Risk Assessments for Grantees including the Internal Control Questionnaire and Programmatic Risk Assessment.
- April 16, 2025 – Writing a Grant Application: This training will explain how to complete application documents, how to read a Notice of Funding Opportunity, and how to submit the application package for review.
- May 21, 2025 – Completing a Budget Application: This training will introduce the budget application and instructions on how to best complete the budget for application submission.
- Jun 18, 2025 – Reporting and Supporting Documents: This training will explain the Periodic Performance Report and Periodic Financial Report, as well as appropriate supporting documents required for submission.
- July 16, 2025 – Indirect Cost Rates: This training will introduce potential and current Grantees to the Indirect Cost Rate system, the different types of elections and requirements, and the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders through the review process.
- August 20, 2025 – Help Desk Overview and Resources: (CSFA, GATA) This training will provide insight on the resources available to potential and current Grantees as they navigate the Grant process. Learn where to find grant opportunities, how to search the CSFA, and how to contact DCEO for assistance.
- September 17, 2025 – Writing a Grant Application: This training will explain how to complete application documents, how to read a Notice of Funding Opportunity, and how to submit the application package for review.
- October 15, 2025 – Capital Grants: This training will explain what a capital grant is, requirements and eligibility for capital grants, application documents, and an overview of the grant lifecycle
- November 19, 2025 – Notice of Funding Opportunities: (NOFOs) This training will explain what a Notice of Funding Opportunity is and give a breakdown of the template and where to find information.
- December 17, 2025 – Audits: This training will introduce grantees to the different Audit types, requirements, and the importance of record retention.
Need assistance with a grant-related question? Please email inquiries to or use this Help Desk Inquiry Form. All inquiries submitted outside of business hours will be addressed the following business day.
For a complete list of current DCEO grant opportunities, upcoming grant trainings, video resource library and Grant Help Desk assistance, visit DCEO Grants (
Grant opportunities include:
OE3 Small Business Capital and Infrastructure Grant Program – Click here Deadline April 7, 2025
SBIR/STTR Match Program - Click here Deadline June 30, 2025
Illinois Grocery Initiative Equipment Upgrade Program Round 2 – Click here Deadline December 15, 2025
Illinois Returning Residents Clean Jobs (CEJA) - Click here Deadline Rolling
Federal Grant Support Program - Click here No specific due date but must submit at least 3 weeks ahead of federal application
CDBG Economic Development Program - Click here Deadline Rolling
Other Federal and State Agency Grants & Programs
Free Two-Day Small Business Webinar Series: What Illinois Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs Should Know brought to you by IDOR
Webinar Day 1: Retirement Savings Options and Tax Advantages for Illinois Small Businesses
Date and Time: Wednesday, January 22, 2025 | 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Speakers:
- Christine Cheng, Executive Director of Secure Choice, Office of Illinois State Treasurer Michael W. Frerichs
- Lisa Sromek, Senior Benefits Advisor, U.S. Department of Labor, Employee Benefits Security Administration
Register Here
Webinar Day 2: Illinois Business Tax Registration and Federal Tax Credits for Retirement Savings Plans
Date and Time: Thursday, January 23, 2025 | 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Speakers:
- Jane Miller, Sales Tax Technical Administrator, Illinois Department of Revenue
- Mike Mudroncik, Senior Stakeholder Liaison, Internal Revenue Service Register Here
Illinois EPA Unsewered Communities Planning Grants
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Acting Director James Jennings announced a new funding opportunity to assist communities where there are currently no wastewater collection and/or treatment facilities. Illinois EPA is making $1 million available for grants through the Unsewered Communities Planning Grant Program, which will assist small and disadvantaged communities in developing a project plan that identifies a solution to wastewater collection and treatment needs. A Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) has been posted to the Illinois EPA website.
The Unsewered Communities Planning Grant Program (UCPGP) provides grant funding to develop a plan that will address problems associated with the collection and treatment of wastewater in an unsewered community.
Ultimately, this information can be used in an application for a project that would be funded by the Illinois Unsewered Communities Construction Grant Program.
Funding for the UCPGP is made possible by utilizing a portion of Illinois EPA’s Water Pollution Control Loan
Program Loan Support funds generated from loan repayments. Applicants that qualify can receive funding up to
$30,000, and Illinois EPA expects to fund up to 50 grants.
All required forms and information are available on the Illinois EPA’s UCPGP webpage. The application period will remain open until all funding has been expended. Applications will be reviewed for eligibility and completeness and awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis. Applicants must be pre-qualified through the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA) Grantee Portal.
OSFM New Fire Station Construction and Rehabilitation Grant
The Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal (OSFM) is announcing the opening of the application period for our new Fire Station Construction and Rehabilitation Grant Program. The Fire Station Construction and Rehabilitation Grant program provides grants up to $350,000 for the construction or rehabilitation of fire stations with a total of 5 million dollars available to departments across the state. Applications must be electronically submitted or postmarked no later than February 28, 2025.
In order to be eligible to receive these grants departments must have an active registration with and also be registered with the state’s Grantee Portal. Also, applicants must be NFIRS compliant for at least the last two years. The two-year required reporting period will be from December 2022 through November 2024. Fire departments are required to report all incidents responded to, including ambulance calls.
To learn more about the grant program and to find the application please visit our website at
Illinois EPA Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program
The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Office of Energy is announcing a fourth Notice of Funding Opportunity available to municipalities and counties through the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program for the completion of energy efficiency building audits and/or building upgrades identified in a published energy or climate action plan. Awards for projects will range from $50,000 to $250,000 with a total award distribution over $1,000,000. Examples of eligible projects include installation of insulation, energy efficiency lighting, HVAC upgrades, weather sealing, and retrofit and/or replacement of windows and doors in publicly owned buildings.
Grant applications will be competitively scored based on funding justification, projects located in environmental justice areas of concern, energy burden, areas of co-op or municipally owned electric, and partnerships between local units of governments and organizations, or where planning benefits multiple communities. Application materials are available at the Illinois EPA Office of Energy webpage. The application period closes at 5:00 pm (CST) on February 3, 2025. Municipalities and counties eligible for direct formula funding through the U.S. DOE are not eligible for funding through this state program.
Illinois’ EECBG Program invests U.S. Department of Energy (U.S. DOE) Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) funds in energy planning, building energy audits, and energy efficiency projects. To date, the Program has awarded $1,837,082.55 to fourteen (14) municipalities and counties statewide to develop or update comprehensive energy plans and complete building inventory audits and energy efficiency projects.
For more information about Office of Energy programming, including the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program, please visit or call 217-785-8841. More information on the U.S. DOE EECBG is available at congressional-report
IDES Workforce Resources
The Illinois Department of Employment Security, New York University, and Illinois Department of Corrections would like to invite you to participate in a Virtual Job Fair highlighting your company and job opportunities for Returning Citizens to the Southern Illinois Area.
Webinar topic: Re-Entry Virtual Job Fair
Date and time: Tuesday, January 28th 1:00 - 3:00 PM
Register: Registration is required. Please contact for more information.
IEPA Residential Sharps Collection Program
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Illinois EPA) Acting Director James Jennings announced an additional
$400,000 in funding available to units of local government to conduct collection and disposal of household sharps for their residents. Sharps, including needles, syringes, and lancets, collected from private citizens are a household waste. Through the grant program, Illinois EPA provides funding for grantees to operate a sharps collection station, as defined in Section 3.458 of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act, and disposal of the collected sharps as Potentially Infectious Medical Waste (PIMW) rather than comingled with other household items.
Grant funding of up to $35,000 per applicant is available to cover expenses incurred in collecting, storing, and disposing of used sharps. Eligible expenses include costs to obtain collection containers for use by individual residents, collection receptacles to store sharps at the sharps collection station, mobilization fees assessed by a permitted PIMW transporter to pick-up collected sharps, and disposal fees for the collected sharps. All required forms and information can be found at: disposal/medication-disposal/sharps/residential-sharps-collection-program.html.
Applications for the Residential Sharps Collection Program will be accepted until funding is expended or June 30, 2025. Applicants must be pre-qualified through the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA) Grantee Portal.
IEPA EV Rebate Program
The Illinois EPA will open the next EV Rebate Program funding round on January 21, 2025. The funding round will run from January 21, 2025, to April 30, 2025. Illinois residents purchasing a new or used all-electric passenger vehicle ($4,000) or all-electric motorcycle ($1,500) from an Illinois licensed dealer are eligible for the rebate.
Applicants that certify as low income are given priority in disbursement of the rebates.
EV rebates are subject to the availability of funds for each cycle. The Illinois General Assembly has appropriated
$14 million to Illinois EPA for the current fiscal year, which ends on June 30, 2025. Actual funding amounts will be determined by the amount of money available in the Electric Vehicle Rebate Fund, not to exceed $14 million. The Illinois EPA is announcing the funding round now to allow Illinois residents time to plan vehicle purchases.
Applicants must apply during the rebate cycle window and within 90 days of purchase of the vehicle. The application and instructions will be available shortly before the opening of the rebate cycle on the Illinois
EPA’s Electric Vehicle Rebate Program webpage.
Eligibility requirements for an EV rebate in Illinois are set forth in the Illinois EPA’s regulations at 35 Ill. Adm. Code
275. These requirements include, but are not limited to:
- The purchaser must reside in Illinois at time of vehicle purchase and at the time the rebate is issued.
- An applicant may not previously have received an Electric Vehicle Rebate.
- The vehicle must be purchased from a dealer licensed by the Illinois Secretary of State.
- Rented or leased vehicles do not qualify for the rebate.
- Vehicles purchased from an out-of-state dealership, and vehicles delivered to or received by the purchaser out-of-state are not eligible for a rebate.
- The purchaser must apply for the rebate within 90-days after the vehicle purchase date.
- The purchaser must retain ownership of the vehicle for a minimum of 12 consecutive months immediately after the vehicle purchase date.
- The rebate amount cannot exceed the purchase price of the vehicle.
Applicants will need to submit the following along with the information contained in the rebate application:
- Copy of the bill of sale, purchase invoice, or purchase agreement from an Illinois dealership;
- Documentation of proof of purchase, such as a copy of a canceled check, an invoice or bill showing that the applicable amount has been paid or that no remaining balance exists, or loan documents
- Copy of the Illinois vehicle registration or temporary permit provided by the dealership at the time of sale/delivery; and
- IRS W-9 or W-8 form
IEPA Announces Expanded Eligibility for Energy Efficiency Grants
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Acting Director James Jennings announced the expansion of two energy efficiency grant opportunities. The Energy Efficiency Assessment Program and the Energy Efficiency Trust Fund Program provide funding for energy efficiency assessments and upgrade projects at eligible properties
serving residents receiving housing assistance. These grant programs will now accept applications statewide for single-family residential and multifamily properties with up to 20 dwelling units serving residents receiving housing assistance.
The Energy Efficiency Assessment Program and the Energy Efficiency Trust Fund Grant Program give organizations the tools to identify renovations that will improve both energy efficiency and comfort of the buildings and then fund those projects. Eligible applicants include public housing authorities, units of local governments, or nonprofit organizations throughout Illinois that serve residents using housing assistance programs. Both programs will make awards on a first-come, first-serve basis and will remain open until funds are depleted. For eligibility and application information, visit:
- Energy Efficiency Assessment Program efficiency-assessment-program.html Send EE Assessment Program questions to Rebecca Luke, Office of Energy - Energy Projects Coordinator at
- Energy Efficiency Trust Fund Grant Program efficiency-trust-fund-grant.html Still have questions? Review the FAQ Document Link OR send EE Trust Fund Grant Program questions to Rebecca Luke, Office of Energy - Energy Projects Coordinator
Before applying to the grant program, applicants must be pre-qualified through the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA) Grantee Portal, For more information about these grant programs and other Office of Energy efforts to increase energy efficiency and resiliency please visit
Helpful Resources
Grant Help Desk Resources DCEO Office of Accountability
- Office Hours for Grantees – Office of Accountability is hosting a weekly office hour every Tuesday from 2-3pm for any questions grantees or potential grantees may have.
- Sign up for any of these sessions with this link
Email Us:
- Or use our Inquiry Form:
Visit Our Website:
- Video Training & Resources Library Video Training & Resources (
Grant Accountability and Transparency (GATA)
- GATA Grantee Portal:
- GATA Grantee Portal New User Guide: pdf
- GATU Resource Site:
- Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSFA):
- DCEO Current Grant Opportunities:
Audit Report Review Process Manual:
Workforce Development – Office of Employment & Training
The Office of Employment and Training supports innovative workforce programs and career, training and employment services that connect employers to a highly skilled workforce. Providing assistance and resources for job seekers is central to Illinois’ commitment to ensuring that businesses thrive in our state.
Programs and services:
- Illinois workNet®
- WIOA Works Illinois
- Apprenticeship Illinois
- Trade Adjustment Assistance Program (TAA)
- WIOA Success Stories
- More Programs and Resources
- Illinois Workforce Development System (IWDS)
- Climate and Equitable Jobs Act
American Rescue Plan (ARPA) for Non-Entitlement Units of Local Government (NEU)
Do you have questions about ARPA? Check out the Technical Assistance page on our DCEO website. Click here December 10, 2024 - offices hours presentation slides Click here
FAQs: View frequently asked questions about this program.
Need help? To ask a question or request a support call, contact the NEU Support Team at
either or To ask a question about the U.S Treasury Reporting Portal, please contact
DCEO Website –
The Illinois DCEO website includes a page dedicated to current state and federal grant opportunities as well as Grantee resources. Click here to find valuable information!
Join DCEO’s Team
DCEO’s Team is expanding around the state, including on Team RED. To apply for these jobs, please go to the Work4Illinois website at and use the search function to find the positions for our department.
Following DCEO & Connecting with Team RED
If you have upcoming meetings or events and would like DCEO to participate, please reach out to us. Follow us on our social media channels for real time updates.
Facebook: @illinoisdceo
LinkedIn: Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity
Additional Info
Media Contact : DCEO
Related Links : DCEO
Source : DCEO