DCEO Northeast Region Weekly Update September 30, 2024

DCEO Northeast Region Weekly Update September 30, 2024
Northeast Region Weekly Update
September 30, 2024
Illinois Disaster Declaration for Severe Weather and Flooding
United States President Joseph R. Biden signed a federal Major Disaster Declaration authorizing the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Individual Assistance program for Cook, Fulton, Henry, St. Clair, Washington, Will, and Winnebago County.
FEMA’s Individual Assistance could include grants for temporary housing and home repairs, low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses, and other programs to help individuals and business owners recover from the effects of the severe weather the state experienced on July 13 through July 16, 2024.
The Illinois Emergency Management Agency and Office of Homeland Security is working closely with local and county Emergency Management agencies to provide additional services to those affected by severe weather.
Disaster survivors and businesses who sustained damages in the Cook, Fulton, Henry, St. Clair, Washington, Will, and Winnebago Counties can begin applying for Disaster Assistance:
Calling 800-621-3362 (FEMA) or
Apply online at disasterassistance.gov
Disaster Recovery Centers will be open soon in all seven counties with more opportunities for disaster survivors to engage with FEMA representatives on the disaster application process.
Illinois Emergency Management Agency and Office of Homeland Security (IEMA-OHS): Ready.Illinois.gov
Team RED Monthly Webinar
“Employee Training Funds for Manufacturers”
Date and time:
Thursday, October 17, 2024 10:00 AM
Registration link:
Join DCEO's Office of Regional Economic Development and Office of Employment and Training along with Northern Illinois University to understand how to access employee training funds gears towards manufacturers. Programs that will be covered include Incumbent Worker Training, Customized Training, On the Job Training, and Apprenticeship Programs focused on Manufacturers.
Regional Site Readiness Program NOFO – application deadline October 21
The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) announced $42 million in funding for the Regional Site Readiness Program. The goal of this program is to ensure sites are better prepared to attract future investment and new job opportunities in the industrial sector across all 10 of Illinois’ Economic Development Regions. Grantees will be selected through two competitive Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) processes – 1) Planning and 2) Capital Ready.
The Regional Site Readiness Program aims to better prepare sites for industrial development in all 10 of DCEO’s Economic Development Regions. The program will create a more comprehensive state-wide strategy that builds upon DCEO’s Megasites Investment Program and complements Intersect Illinois’ Vetted Sites Program.
Grantees will be selected through two competitive NOFOs: 1) Planning and 2) Capital Ready. DCEO will invest in Planning activities such as environmental due diligence and preliminary engineering costs, as well as Capital Ready activities including capital improvements to road or utility infrastructure to increase the number of sites ready for industrial development. Applications are due on Monday, October 21, 2024.
For more information, please visit the NOFO websites (Planning or Capital Ready) and send questions to CEO.Sites@Illinois.gov.
2024 DCEO BD Roadshow – Coming in September and October
With Additional Dates in October
About a year ago, the Regional Economic Development Team (RED Team) traveled the state in order to meet with our partners and provide numerous updates including changes to our business development programs, upcoming funding opportunities, and other exciting information. I am pleased to inform you that we, the RED Team, are gearing up to do it again. It’s time for the 2024 DCEO BD Roadshow – coming to a location near you.
You are cordially invited to participate in the upcoming DCEO Roadshow, an exciting opportunity to connect with DCEO. This event is designed to bring together business leaders, local government officials, and community stakeholders to learn about the latest state programs, resources, and initiatives available to support economic development in your region. We have more updates to our business development programs to share, new funding opportunities to unveil, and a discussion of the recently released 5-Year Economic Plan.
We will be holding meetings in each of our 10 economic development regions, with a couple extra meetings in the Northeast region. A full list of dates, times, and locations is below. Please register for the session you wish to attend through this link: https://forms.office.com/g/QMZBY1ygxY
Thank you and we, DCEO & Team RED, look forward to seeing you on the road!
Additional dates added in the Northeast Region! Register at https://forms.office.com/g/QMZBY1ygxY
10/23/24 at Harper College in Palatine 10 am - 12 pm
10/24/24 in Markham 10 am - 12 pm
10/28/24 10 am – 12 pm at Elgin Community College, Building E
Empowering Latino Businesses for a More Equitable Future
Illinois is honored to celebrate our diverse Latin@/e/x and Hispanic communities in observation of Hispanic Heritage Month September 15th through October 15th as well as amplifying Support Latino Business Day on September 14th - a national call to action that acknowledges and encourages support for Latino owned businesses. This monthlong celebration includes a series of events focused on empowering Latin@/e/x and Hispanic owned small businesses, highlighting and uplifting community leaders, organizations, and business enterprises throughout the state.
View a copy of the proclamation.
Celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month: Conversations with Hispanic and Latino Entrepreneurs
Tuesday | October 8, 2024 | 3:00 – 5:00 pm | in-person
BECC, Suite 1130, 1422 W Main Street, Peoria, IL
The Turner Center for Entrepreneurship and Illinois Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at Bradley University invites you to celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month with us as we highlight Hispanic and Latino owned small businesses right here in Central Illinois.
Discussion on Business Resources Available at No Cost
Wednesday | October 9, 2024 | 2pm – 3pm | in-person | registration not required.
Beardstown Elks Club – 205 E. 2nd St, Beardstown, IL
In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, DCEO and the University of Illinois Extensions will conduct an in-person workshop focus on providing information on business resources that are available at no cost to business owners such as technical assistance (those who can assist you for free), grant and other funding opportunities, as well as additional resources. Presentation will be in English but attendees can ask questions in English or in Spanish. All business owners are welcome to attend.
For more information on Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month and Support Latino Business Day events planned for businesses, contact Diana Alfaro, the Latinx Business Development Manager, at Diana.Alfaro@Illinois.gov or to learn more about ongoing resources and programs for businesses, follow DCEO on social media @IllinoisDCEO.
Office of Minority Economic Empowerment
All events and webinars are open to everyone but intentionally target specific OMEE communities. Feel free to contact us at CEO.OMEE@illinois.gov if we don't answer your questions during our webinars or contact the First Stop Business Information Center Helpline at 1-800-252-2923. Spanish speaking assistance is available.
Connecting HER with Illinois Business Resources-Decatur (click to follow link)
Thursday | October 3, 2024 | 1:00 - 3:30 PM | in-person
1165 N. University Avenue Decatur, IL
Tailored for women-owned businesses of all stages & industries, future women business owners, & aspiring female entrepreneurs, with attendees from all backgrounds and Illinois regions welcome to join and learn, too!
Come celebrate National Women's Business Month by joining us at this community presentation focused on inspiring, connecting, and advancing Illinois women-owned businesses, future women business owners, and aspiring female entrepreneurs with business resources and opportunities offered across Illinois' entrepreneurial ecosystem. During this free, in-person resources presentation & conversation, we will also answer your questions. Connecting HER with Illinois Business Resources-Decatur is presented by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO), the Decatur Regional Chamber of Commerce, and the Metro Decatur Black Chamber of Commerce, together with the support of entrepreneurial support organizations at our venue host, the Metro Decatur Black Chamber of Commerce.
Coffee & Conversation: Advancing Black Women Entrepreneurs’ Growth
Thursday, October 17, 2024 | 8:30 – 11:30 AM | in-person (Chicago)
Chicago Urban League 4510 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL| Register here.
In honor of National Women's Business Month, the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Chicago Urban League, and Illinois Minority Business Development Agency Business Center are excited to present Coffee & Conversation: Advancing Black Women Entrepreneurs’ Growth, a dynamic and empowering event designed to uplift, connect, and support Black women in business.
CEJA Updates
The Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) is planning to re-release the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the following Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA) workforce programs in select regions:
Clean Jobs Workforce Network Program (Workforce Hubs). Regions that will be accepting applications: Danville, Peoria, Kankakee, Carbondale
Energy Transition Navigator Program. Regions that will be accepting applications: Kankakee, Champaign
Applications for these target regions will be due November 1st.
Equitable Energy Future Grant Program – Second Round
Governor JB Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) announced $25.5 million in funding for the Equitable Energy Future Grant Program to grow and diversify Illinois' clean energy ecosystem. This grant funding will provide seed funding and pre-development funding opportunities to equity eligible contractors to work on renewable energy projects in low-income and historically disadvantaged communities. Grantees will be selected through a competitive Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) process.
Through the second round of this program, the grant funding will be used to support a wide array of pre-development projects to support the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects to benefit historically disadvantaged communities. This includes planning and project development, application, purchasing and leasing land, and more. Funding will be distributed in two phases, with applicants having the flexibility to apply for either one or both phases.
Qualified entities include equity eligible contractors and independent contractors, non-profits, co-operatives that are majority-owned by equity eligible persons, and businesses or non-profits with a proposed project that meets equity building criteria. Equity eligible contractors are businesses or non-profits that are majority-owned by equity eligible persons, including participants in CEJA workforce programs, Illinoisans who are in the foster care system or who were formerly in the foster care system, people who were formerly incarcerated, and Illinoisans who live in an R3 zone or environmental justice community.
Through a competitive Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) qualified entities can apply for grants from $250,000 to $1 million. Applications will be accepted until December 31, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. To view and apply for the grant, please visit the DCEO website. Interested parties are encouraged to reach out to CEO.GrantHelp@illinois.gov for application assistance.
Get Technical Assistance
Applicants are encouraged to take advantage of technical assistance and other free grant resources to improve the quality of their applications.
Review DCEO Training Videos related to grants
Request one-on-one technical assistance by completing this form.
Review answers to questions about these funding opportunities and submit additional questions to ceo.ceja@illinois.gov.
CEJA Returning Residents Clean Jobs Training Program – Round II
Are you an organization with experience serving returning residents or in providing workforce training? Are you interested in applying for Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA) funding to deliver the Returning Residents Clean Jobs Training Program? The Returning Residents program will prepare people in the custody of the Illinois Department of Corrections for entry-level clean energy jobs.
Check out the DCEO CEJA Homepage to learn more about this and other CEJA Programs. Sign up for the CEJA mailing list HERE. If you have questions about this or other CEJA Programs, email ceo.ceja@illinois.gov or check out our FAQ page.
Apprenticeship Illinois 2024 Employer Events
The Illinois Workforce Innovation Board invites you to join our Business Focus Groups & Roundtables!
Your insights are crucial to shaping and implementing effective workforce development solutions!
Employer Roundtables will connect with employers, highlight the value of work-based learning opportunities, and break down real and perceived barriers involved in starting registered apprenticeship programs. These regional, business-to-business events will showcase business partners with successful apprenticeship programs who will discuss the return on investment in Registered Apprenticeships (RA) as well as providing employers with local resources and connections to get started.
- Southern IL Employer Roundtable (Belleville): October 1, 10am-12:00pm,
- Northern IL Employer Roundtable (DuPage County): October 9, 10am-12:00pm
- Central IL Employer Roundtable (East Peoria): October 10, 10am-12:00pm
The Apprenticeship Expansion webinar series includes presentations from workforce partners from different state agencies and apprenticeship stakeholders to highlight best practices for collaboration on the development of registered apprenticeship programs. In combining these guest webinars with a core curriculum that emphasizes expediency, equity, creativity, and thoughtful partnership for apprenticeship outreach and registration, the Apprenticeship Illinois team aims to cultivate a cohort of apprenticeship professionals.
Date | Webinar Topic |
October 1, 2024 | |
October 8, 2024 | |
October 15, 2024 | |
October 22, 2024 | Educating Educators: Case Study of Educator Pre-Apprenticeship to Apprenticeship Model |
November 12, 2024 | National Apprenticeship Week: Showcasing successful programs developed from grants |
December 10, 2024 | Yearly Health Check-Up: Reflections and Advice from Illinois Healthcare Apprenticeships |
National Apprenticeship Week (NAW) is a nationwide celebration that brings together business and labor leaders, career seekers, educational institutions, and critical partners to demonstrate their support for apprenticeships. Apprenticeship Illinois will celebrate Apprenticeship Week 2024 this November 17-23rd by hosting a range of in-person and virtual events and amplifying local and regional celebrations of apprenticeships. This week allows apprenticeship sponsors across the state to showcase programs, facilities, and apprentices in their community. It provides employers and future apprentices who are curious about apprenticeships with a way to learn about the benefits that come from learning and earning. The National Apprenticeship Week events will be posted on the apprenticeship Illinois website. Please let us know of any events in your area and promote NAW within your network. www.ApprenticeshipIllinois.com
If you have any questions or ideas, please feel free to contact Jennifer Foil at jfoil@niu.edu.
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
Governor JB Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) announced $26.5 million in funding for the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) for Public Infrastructure and Housing Rehabilitation. Grantees will be selected through a competitive Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) process.
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for Public Infrastructure
Public infrastructure grants are designed to provide communities with funding to improve public infrastructure, public health and quality of life. These projects include construction of storm sewer pipes, waterline replacements, and water storage tank construction, and other critical projects that help mitigate flooding and support sewage management, water delivery and other public water necessities.
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for Housing Rehabilitation
Housing rehabilitation grants are designed to assist low-to-moderate income homeowners with improvements to ensure safe and sanitary living conditions. Eligible uses of funds include structural work, lead remediation, electrical, plumbing, new appliances, flooring, ADA, and accessibility accommodations, and more.
An additional $1.9 million is available for Economic Development projects funded by the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) on an as-needed basis. This grant funding opportunity includes up to $1 million for economic development projects. This includes construction, reconstruction, and installation or rehabilitation of commercial or industrial buildings, structures and other real property.
Eligible applicants can apply for Public Infrastructure grants from $300,000 to $1 million and Housing Rehabilitation grants from $300,000 to $650,000. Applications for both grants will be accepted until December 4, 2024, at 5 p.m. Applications for economic development funding will be accepted on a rolling basis. DCEO will be hosting an Administration and Application Workshop for grant applicants on October 1, 2024, and October 2, 2024, at the Northfield Center in Springfield at 8:30 to12:30. p.m. Interested applicants can register and find more information on the DCEO website. Applicants can also view the Public Infrastructure and Housing and apply for the grants, on the DCEO website.
Illinois Works Bid Credit Program
Contractors or subcontractors that employ apprentices that have completed the Illinois Works Pre-Apprenticeship Program on any project (stated or privately funded) are eligible to earn bid credits they can use to make their bids for future state-funded public works projects more competitive. The Illinois Works Bid Credit Program provides bid credits for both hiring and retaining graduates.
For general program questions, please contact the Illinois Works Bid Credit Program at CEO.BidCreditProgram@illinois.gov. If you’re a state agency seeking information regarding the Bid Credit Program, email Rebecca Bailey, Senior Bid Credit Program Manager at Rebecca.j.bailey@illinois.gov. For additional information, please download the Bid Credit Program One sheeter. To view application information and apply for the Bid Credit Program, please visit the DCEO website.
Interested in joining the Illinois Works Bid Credit Program?
If you are a contractor or subcontractor and are interested in registering for the Bid Credit Program, complete the Contractor Registration Form today!
Learn more about the Bid Credit Program at an upcoming information webinar.
*Recordings of our past webinars can be found on the Illinois Works Bid Credit Program Partner Guide.
Office of Accountability
Curious about the grant lifecycle or wanting to learn more about the different facets of grants? Do you have a grant-related question that you would like answered in real time? DCEO is pleased to offer three training options for current and potential grantees. Interested in participating in a training session? Sign up here
Virtual Office Hour Q & A - Tuesdays at 2pm:
Join for a virtual question and answer session via Webex in which potential and current Grantees may attend to ask questions and seek assistance. Technical Support Managers will be online to field questions, demonstrate steps, or provide instructions as needed to assist entities and individuals with the grant process.
Pre-Qualification Training – 1st Wednesday of the month 9AM:
This slide presentation will cover Pre-Qualification requirements. Pre-qualification is required of all grantees with the State of Illinois and must be maintained throughout a grant program. To be in pre-qualified status means that all required registrations have been met and an entity is in good standing and able to conduct business with the State of Illinois. Join DCEO’s Technical Support Team as we explain each step in the pre-qualification process and how to get started.
Various topics Training – 3rd Wednesday of the month 9AM:
This slide presentation will discuss important grant-related topics pertaining to grant management. Each month we will discuss a different component, process, or emerging practice that can benefit potential and existing grantees. Future topics offerings include:
- 10/16/24 Reporting and Supporting Documentation: This training will explain the Periodic Performance Report and Periodic Financial Report, as well as appropriate supporting documents required for submission.
- 11/20/24 Writing A Grant Application: This training will explain how to complete application documents, how to read a Notice of Funding Opportunity, and how to submit the application package for review.
- 12/18/24 Audit Submissions: This training will introduce grantees to the different Audit types, requirements, and the importance of record retention.
For a complete list of current DCEO grant opportunities, upcoming grant trainings, video resource library and Grant Help Desk assistance, visit DCEO Grants (illinois.gov)
Grant opportunities include:
Bioprocessing Research Infrastructure Program – Click here Deadline October 4, 2024
Regional Site Readiness Program – Capital Ready Click here Deadline October 21, 2024
Regional Site Readiness Program – Planning Click here Deadline October 21, 2024
CDBG Coronavirus Healthy Houses Program – Click here Deadline November 6, 2024
CDBG Coronavirus Rural Shelter Program - Click here Deadline November 14, 2024
CDBG Public Infrastructure – Click here Deadline December 4, 2024
CDBG Housing Rehabilitation – Click here Deadline December 4, 2024
Quality Jobs Program - Click here Deadline December 31, 2024
Equitable Energy Future Grant Program – Click here Deadline December 31, 2024
SBIR/STTR Match Program - Click here Deadline June 30, 2025
Illinois Returning Residents Clean Jobs (CEJA) - Click here Deadline Rolling
Federal Grant Support Program - Click here No specific due date but must submit at least 3 weeks ahead of federal application
CDBG Economic Development Program - Click here Deadline Rolling
Other Federal and State Agency Grants & Programs
IDOT 2024 Long-Range Transportation Plan
USEPA Recreation Economy for Rural Communities
Now accepting applications! See Applying for Assistance to learn more!
The Recreation Economy for Rural Communities planning assistance program helps communities identify strategies to grow their outdoor recreation economy and revitalize their main streets. Outdoor activities are increasingly popular across the United States, and many communities are seeking to grow their outdoor recreation and tourism economy, while investing in their main streets and conserving forests and natural lands. Encouraging growth on main streets while promoting outdoor recreation can help foster community revitalization, protect air and water quality, create jobs and support economic diversification, and offer new opportunities for people to connect with the natural world.
On September 5, 2024, EPA held a webinar for community representatives interested in applying for planning assistance from the Recreation Economy for Rural Communities program. You can view a recording of the webinar here.
For more information visit Recreation Economy for Rural Communities | US EPA The deadline to apply is 11:59 pm Eastern Time on October 16, 2024.
Illinois EPA Green Infrastructure Grant
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Interim Director James Jennings announced a grant opportunity with $5 million in funding for projects that will improve water quality in Illinois. The Green Infrastructure Grant Opportunities (GIGO) Program has been made possible by Governor Pritzker’s bipartisan Rebuild Illinois capital plan. The Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is posted at https://il.amplifund.com/Public/Opportunities/Details/45aeb4c5-055a-4441-aeb8-d49eae66772b.
The GIGO Program seeks proposals for projects containing green infrastructure best management practices (BMPs) that prevent, eliminate, or reduce stormwater runoff, reducing localized or riverine flooding in Illinois’ rivers, streams, and lakes. Projects that implement treatment trains (multiple BMPs in series) and/or multiple BMPs within the same watershed are encouraged as they may be more effective and efficient than a single large green infrastructure BMP. BMPs may be located on public or private land.
For the GIGO program, green infrastructure is defined as any stormwater management technique or practice employed with the primary goal to preserve, restore, mimic, or enhance natural hydrology. Green infrastructure includes, but is not limited to, methods of using soil and vegetation to promote soil percolation, evapotranspiration, and filtering or the harvesting and reuse of precipitation. Examples of project types/BMPs that may be funded through GIGO are provided in the NOFO. Illinois EPA anticipates project awards between $75,000 and $2.5 million.
Applications for the GIGO Program are due by noon on November 20, 2024, at 12:00 PM (CST). Additional information is available at: https://epa.illinois.gov/topics/grants-loans/water-financial-assistance/gigo.html. Applicants must apply for GIGO through the GATA Grantee Portal.
Illinois HDA Non-Congregate Shelter Developments
The Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) announced today that it will begin accepting applications for the development of emergency shelter for persons experiencing homelessness. Available through the HOME-ARP Non-Congregate Shelter Development Program, the funding will support experienced shelter providers as they acquire or develop non-congregate shelter facilities across Illinois. The program is part of IHDA’s continuing efforts to improve the housing safety net and help Illinois achieve “functional zero” homelessness.
Non-congregate shelters refer to emergency accommodations that offer privacy to individuals and families. They provide private units or rooms as temporary shelter and do not require occupants to sign a lease or occupancy agreement. This model offers public health benefits as well as opportunities to provide supportive services intended to help occupants regain their long-term housing stability.
Eligible applicants must be current shelter providers that participate in the Emergency Solutions Grant Program or the Emergency & Transitional Housing Program administered by the Illinois Department of Human Services or have another verifiable operating funding source.
More information about the Non-Congregate Shelter Development Program, submission deadlines, and the application process are available on the IHDA website. Program related questions can be sent to HOMEARP@ihda.org
All interested applicants must submit a complete Preliminary Project Assessment by Monday, October 7, 2024. Please review the Request for Applications for specific requirements of the PPA. Applications are due to IHDA by 5:00 p.m. CST on Thursday, February 20, 2025.
OSFM Small Equipment Grant Program
The Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM) today announced the application period is open for the Small Equipment Grant Program. The OSFM will award $4 million to eligible fire departments and ambulance services for the purchase of small firefighting and ambulance equipment. All interested departments should send an application to OSFM electronically or postmarked no later than October 1, 2024.
The Small Equipment Grant Program was established to provide grants of up to $26,000 to eligible departments. A total of $4 million was awarded to 168 fire departments/districts and EMS providers across the state during the last grant cycle in April.
This program is an innovative approach to a problem that has long caused difficulties for the fire departments and not-for-profit ambulance services in Illinois, particularly those that have hardships in generating the necessary revenue for small equipment. The grants allow eligible applicants the opportunity to purchase small tools and equipment that they may otherwise not be able to purchase. In addition to firefighting personal protective equipment (PPE), applicants can also apply for personal infection control items such as masks, gowns, and gloves this application cycle. Most Illinois fire departments, fire protection districts, and township fire departments are eligible to apply. In addition, stand-alone, not-for-profit ambulance service providers are eligible to apply.
All applicants are required to have participated in the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) for a minimum of two years prior to applying. The OSFM will require departments to be current from October 2022 through September 2024. Fire departments are required to report all incidents responded to, including ambulance calls.
Additional information including the application can be found here:
Completed applications should be submitted to:
Office of the State Fire Marshal
Small Equipment Grant Program
1035 Stevenson Drive
Springfield, IL 62703
Illinois HDA Permanent Supportive Housing Program
PSH is a combination of affordable housing and supportive services that helps individuals and families maintain stable housing and achieve a higher quality of life. Residents are typically households headed by persons with a disability, those who are at risk of homelessness, and others who may need supports to stay healthy and housed. It is a proven solution that creates better resident outcomes and reduces the use of costly emergency systems.
Non-profit, for-profit, and joint venture developers are eligible to apply for funds from the PSH Development Program. All interested applicants MUST submit a complete Preliminary Project Assessment by Monday, October 7, 2024. Please review the Request for Applications for specific requirements of the PPA. Applications are due to IHDA by 5:00 p.m. CST on Thursday, February 13, 2025.
More information about the PSH Development program, submission deadlines, and the application process is available on the IHDA website. Program related questions can be sent to PSHRFA@ihda.org.
Are You Ready for the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA)?
Presented by the Office of the Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias’ Business Services Department
Wednesday, December 4, 2024 | 1:00 PM | virtual | Register here
Effective January 1, 2024, a new federal law requires many companies doing business in the State of Illinois to
report information to the U.S. government about who ultimately owns and controls them. This information is
reported to the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). Please join
the Illinois Secretary of State’s office for a discussion of these new beneficial ownership information reporting
requirements and what businesses need to do to comply with the law. They will also share resources FinCEN has
developed to help businesses understand this new requirement.
For more information contact Kim Aileen at AKim@ILSOS.GOV.
Helpful Resources
Grant Help Desk Resources
DCEO Office of Accountability
- Office Hours for Grantees – Office of Accountability is hosting a weekly office hour every Tuesday
- from 2-3pm for any questions grantees or potential grantees may have.
Email Us:
Or use our Inquiry Form: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/df9d38efa4e241218ced486c54f3c109
Visit Our Website:
Video Training & Resources Library Video Training & Resources (illinois.gov)
Grant Accountability and Transparency (GATA)
- GATA Grantee Portal: https://grants.illinois.gov/portal/
- GATA Grantee Portal New User Guide: https://www2.illinois.gov/sites/GATA/Documents/Resource%20Library/GATA%20New%20User%20Guide.pdf
- GATU Resource Site: https://gata.illinois.gov/
- Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSFA): https://gata.illinois.gov/grants/csfa.html
- DCEO Current Grant Opportunities: https://dceo.illinois.gov/aboutdceo/grantopportunities/grants.html
Audit Report Review Process Manual: https://gata.illinois.gov/content/dam/soi/en/web/gata/documents/audit/audit-manual-august-2018-revision.pdf
Workforce Development – Office of Employment & Training
The Office of Employment and Training supports innovative workforce programs and career, training and employment services that connect employers to a highly skilled workforce. Providing assistance and resources for job seekers is central to Illinois’ commitment to ensuring that businesses thrive in our state.
Programs and services:
- Illinois workNet®
- WIOA Works Illinois
- Apprenticeship Illinois
- Trade Adjustment Assistance Program (TAA)
- WIOA Success Stories
- More Programs and Resources
- Illinois Workforce Development System (IWDS)
- Climate and Equitable Jobs Act
American Rescue Plan (ARPA) for Non-Entitlement Units of Local Government (NEU)
Do you have questions about ARPA? Check out the Technical Assistance page on our DCEO website. Click here
August 8, 2024 - offices hours presentation slides Click here
FAQs: View frequently asked questions about this program.
Need help? To ask a question or request a support call, contact the NEU Support Team at either ILARPA@crowe.com or CEO.CURE@illinois.gov. To ask a question about the U.S Treasury Reporting Portal, please contact covidreliefITsupport@treasury.gov.
DCEO Website – https://dceo.illinois.gov
The Illinois DCEO website includes a page dedicated to current state and federal grant opportunities as well as Grantee resources. Click here to find valuable information!
Join DCEO’s Team
DCEO’s Team is expanding around the state, including on Team RED. To apply for these jobs, please go to the Work4Illinois website at https://illinois.jobs2web.com/ and use the search function to find the positions for our department.
Posting closing 10/4/24
DEPUTY CHIEF INTERNAL AUDITOR- SPSA, Opt. 8C – In the Office of Internal Audits – Sangamon County
EXECUTIVE I – In the Office of Grants Management – Sangamon County
Posting closing 10/9/24
GRANT MANAGER (HUMAN SERVICES GRANTS COORDINATOR 1, OPT A) – Office of Community Assistance – Cook County
Following DCEO & Connecting with Team RED
If you have upcoming meetings or events and would like DCEO to participate, please reach out to us. Follow us on our social media channels for real time updates.
Facebook: @illinoisdceo
LinkedIn: Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity