Alignment Collaborative for Education is pleased to announce the addition of Parker Thompson as the Elgin Neighborhood Network (ENN) facilitator

Alignment Collaborative for Education is pleased to announce the addition of Parker Thompson as the Elgin Neighborhood Network (ENN) facilitator
Alignment Welcomes New Elgin Neighborhood Network Facilitator

Alignment Collaborative for Education is pleased to announce the addition of Parker Thompson as the Elgin Neighborhood Network (ENN) facilitator as it expands the ENN focus to include additional community needs such as public health, food and nutrition, housing, transportation, and education, as well as continuation of future workforce development initiatives.
Parker recently joined Well Child Center as Senior Program Manager. He will support the ENN as well as lead Well Child Center’s programming focused on the expansion of behavioral health support and services through one of the largest Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) programs in Illinois. His responsibilities include support for a grant-funded program focused on the integration of mental, human, and health services support.
In his facilitator role of the Elgin Neighborhood Network, Parker’s responsibilities will include building and maintaining relationships across the greater Elgin area and convening various stakeholder groups, such as the Elgin Human Services Council, to review the needs of the community and help identify priorities for the Neighborhood Network Steering Committee.
Parker brings over a decade of experience in non-profit management and program implementation. Prior to joining Well Child Center, Parker founded and led the community-based nonprofit Elgin Community Bikes, which provides community programming and works with local and regional government on equitable transportation and planning policy. With a passion for community health and equity, Parker will be implementing Well Child Center’s Connections: Integration of Maternal Mental Health Support and Services, as well as supporting the growing efforts of the Elgin Neighborhood Network.
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