Senior Services Associates

Senior Services Associates
Senior Services
Senior Services Associates, Inc. is a non-profit agency dedicated to sustaining and improving the quality of life for individuals age 60 and older, the disabled and their caregivers by providing access to the social services they need. We are dedicated to preserving their independence, promoting mental and physical well-being and protecting their rights and dignity.
Senior Services provides crisis intervention and services in cases of critical need. We have a 24-hour crisis line and caseworkers on call over weekends, evenings and holidays. We provide investigation and intervention in cases of alleged abuse through our Adult Protective Services and Nursing Home Ombudsman programs. These programs are also on call 24/7 for emergencies. We provide comprehensive case management, by regularly assessing the ability of the older adult to safely live at home and age in place. Through Adult Protective Services (APS) and we also serve disabled persons, age 18 to 59.
Assessments are provided for all frail seniors, regardless of income, in an effort to prevent a crisis of health, safety and finances that could lead to premature institutionalization or loss of assets.
We also offer wellness programs to help seniors in the community, including “A Matter of Balance” and ''Fit and Strong”, which are Evidence- based programs with proven results.
Our Transportation Program provides seniors with rides to/from vital medical appointments, via volunteer drivers. Our Friendly Visiting Program matches seniors and a volunteer with similar interested, to keep seniors socially engaged.