Saint Thomas More Catholic School

Saint Thomas More Catholic School
St. Thomas More School officially opened on September 19, 1960, with grades 1-5. One new grade was added each year thereafter until the school reached the capacity of eight grades.
Groundbreaking for the new wing which includes Kindergarten, Pre-School, Learning Resource Center, Faculty Lounge, Art Room, and meeting rooms, took place on April 13, 1992.
We are currently celebrating 60+ years of academic excellence! St. Thomas More School has 10 classrooms, a learning center, a computer lab, an art room, a library, three multi-purpose rooms, gymnasium, and kitchen facilities which provide a supplemental hot lunch program.
The school building is utilized for many activities including Religious Education classes, parish meetings, Scouts, Prayer Groups, and more.
The After Care Program is available to STM PK-8 students daily from 3:00-6:00 PM.