EAC Thanks and Giving Community Thanksgiving Luncheon

EAC Thanks and Giving Community Thanksgiving Luncheon
Tuesday, November 21, 2023 (11:30 AM - 1:00 PM) (CST)
Thanksgiving is an ideal occasion to join to give thanks for our bountiful blessings. One of the longstanding traditions in our community is the Annual Community Thanksgiving Luncheon where we reach out in true gratitude and friendship.
We invite you and your colleagues to join us on Tuesday, November 21 for our 42nd Annual luncheon to reaffirm our combined commitment to family, neighbors, and community. Our program will weave "thanks" and "giving" through storytelling and we do hope that you are able to join us as we begin the holiday season through this longstanding tradition.
We will also sing the praises of five unsung heroes in our community. These special volunteers are the very fabric of our community, providing guidance and leadership to organizations in Elgin and South Elgin. Local service clubs and non-profit organizations will also be recognized at this non-denominational luncheon as they provide critical programs and services to our neighbors.
Award-winning volunteers, whom local non-profit agencies nominated, will be recognized for their achievements by the group's Enhancing Elgin committee and are listed above on the invitation..
The Community Thanksgiving Luncheon will feature a networking reception from 11:30 to noon followed by a holiday buffet luncheon and program until 1 PM. Table centerpieces will be provided by School District U-46 students. The day's program will be emceed by Elgin Area Chamber Board Chair Yaneth Medina and President Carol Gieske.
We will give much-deserved thanks to those who have gone above and beyond for our non-profit community.
Thank you to our sponsor for the event, Elgin Community College.
$30 per person -Table of 8 $220
We're unable to issue a refund if your reservation is not canceled 72 hours in advance because we've already paid for it.
Attendees of Chamber events agree to allow the Chamber and/or its official photographer to capture their image via photograph, video, or screenshot in the context of the event. Footage captured by the Chamber and/or its official photographer may be posted on social media, shared with media outlets, and/or used in future print and electronic promotional materials
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Event Location Sponsor

1700 Spartan Drive
Elgin, IL 60123-7193 United States